Big Brother Bob and Little Brother E'saivon
In November 2010, Little Brother E’saivon was in elementary school when he met his new Big Brother, Bob, in a school-based match through their local Big Brothers Big Sisters program in Pinellas County, Florida
Early in their match, Bob devoted much of his time to forging a strong friendship with E’saivon. The two would talk, work on homework and play sports outside during Bob’s visits at school.
Following two years in the program, the two decided to transition to the community based program with Big Brothers Big Sisters. The two are still matched today, and can often be found shooting hoops at the YMCA, playing baseball in the park or going to see Tampa Bay Rays games during the MLB season.
E’saivon loves learning new problem solving strategies and enjoys playing board games with his Big Brother. According to Bob, E’saivon is very intelligent, but still struggles with focusing on his school work and planning for the future. Bob has worked with him, encouraging him to finish high school and look toward the opportunities that college can present him.
E’saivon enjoys his time as a high school student. His Big Brother helped him to enroll in his high school’s ROTC program.
“I will get to go on exciting field trips and wear a uniform, and I am learning good work ethics and strong morals,” E’saivon says, regarding his ROTC opportunity.
Over the past four years, Bob has provided E’saivon with much support and encouragement. They have shared many special times together and have made many lasting memories.
Other children like E’saivon continue to wait, sometimes more than a year, for their Big Brother or Big Sister. With your help, we will be able to provide more children with a strong, professionally supported mentoring relationship. Consider how your donation or commitment to volunteer might positively impact the life of a child in your community.